以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文列表: 1、 Yuwei Chen, Boqiang Qin, Katrin Teubner, Martin Dokulil. 2003. Long-term dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages: Microcystis- domination in Lake Taihu, a large shallow lake in China. Journal of Plankton Research 25: 445-453. (SCI收录, IF=1.88,SCI它引380次) 2、 Yuwei Chen, Chengxin Fan, Katrin Teubner, Martin Dokulil. 2003. Changes of nutrients and phytoplankton chlorophyll-a in a large shallow lake, Taihu, China: an 8-year investigation. Hydrobiologia 506-509: 273-279. (SCI收录, IF=2.06,SCI它引220次) 3、 Yuwei Chen, Yaohui Hu and Martin T. Dokulil. 2005. Phytoplankton photosynthesis and plankton community respiration in a large shallow lake, Taihu China. Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie 29(1):395-398 .ISTP ) 4、 Jinfu Liu, Yuwei Chen, Mingjia Li, Baogui Liu, Xia Liu, Zhaoshi Wu, Yongjiu Cai, Jinying Xu, Jianjun Wang.2019. Water-level fluctuations are key for phytoplankton taxonomic communities and functional groups in Poyang Lake. Ecological Indicators 104:470-478. (通讯作者SCI二区). 5、 Baogui Liu, Jinfu Liu, Erik Jeppesen, Yuwei Chen, Xia Liu, Wei Zhang. 2019. Horizontal distribution of pelagic crustacean zooplankton biomass and body size in contrasting habitat types in Lake Poyang, China. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, 26: 2270-2280.(通讯作者SCI) 6、 Zhaoshi Wu, Yongjiu Cai, Lu Zhang, Yuwei Chen. 2018. Spatial and temporal heterogeneities in water quality and their potential drivers in Lake Poyang (China) from 2009 to 2015. Limnologica 69:115-124. (通讯作者SCI) 7、 Zhaoshi Wu, Dawen Zhang, Yongjiu Cai, Xiaolong Wang, Lu Zhang & Yuwei Chen. 2017. Water quality assessment based on the water quality index method in Lake Poyang: The largest freshwater lake in China. Scientific Reports, 7:17999. (通讯作者SCI) 8、 Xia Liu, Kuimei Qian, Yuwei Chen, Junfeng Gao. 2017. A comparison of factors influencing the summer phytoplankton biomass in China’s three largest freshwater lakes: Poyang, Dongting, and Taihu, Hydrobiologia, 792: 283-302.(通讯作者SCI,IF=2.056) 9、 Liu Xia, Katrin Teubner, Yuwei Chen. 2016. Water quality characteristics of Poyang Lake, China, in response to changes in the water level, Hydrology Research, 47.S1: 238-248.(通讯作者SCI,IF=1.754) 10、 Liu Xia, Yunliang Li, Baogui Liu, Kuimei Qian, Yuwei Chen, Junfeng Gao. 2016. Cyanobacteria in the complex river-connected Poyang Lake: horizontal distribution and transport, Hydrobiologia 768: 95-110.(通讯作者SCI,IF=2.056) 11、 Kuimei Qian, Xia Liu, Yuwei Chen. 2016. Effects of water level fluctuation on phytoplankton succession in Poyang Lake, China-A five year study. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 16(3): 175-184 (通讯作者, SCI) 12、 Kuimei Qian, Xia Liu, Yuwei Chen. 2016. Effect of hydrological variability on diatom distribution in Poyang Lake, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 35(1): 174-184 (通讯作者SCI) 13、 Xia Liu, Yun-Liang Li, Bao-Gui Liu, Kui-Mei Qian, Yu-Wei Chen. 2015. Effects of water level fluctuations on phytoplankton in a Changjiang River floodplain lake (Lake Poyang): Implication for dam operations. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41: 770-779. (通讯作者SCI) 14、 Zhaoshi Wu, Hu He, Yongjiu Cai, Lu Zhang, Yuwei Chen. 2014. Spatial distribution of chlorophyll a and its relationship with the environment during summer in Lake Poyang: a Yangtze-connected lake. Hydrobiologia 732: 61–70. (通讯作者SCI) 15、 Wu, Z.S., Lai, X.J., Zhang, L., Cai, Y.J., Chen, Y.W. 2014. Phytoplankton chlorophyll a in Lake Poyang and its tributaries during dry, mid-dry and wet seasons: A 4-year study. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 412: 61-73. (通讯作者SCI) 16、 Zhaoshi Wu, Yongjiu Cai, Caiping Xu, Xia Liu, Yuwei Chen and Lu Zhang. 2013. Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton in Lake Poyang: The largest freshwater lake in China. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39:476-483. (通讯作者SCI, IF=2.309,入选杂志近5年高影响论文前5名) 17、 Xia Liu, Qinglong Wu, Yuwei Chen and Martin Dokulil. 2011. Imbalance of plankton community metabolism in eutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Great Lake Research 37(4): 650-655(通讯作者 SCI, IF=1.3) 18、 Xia Liu, Xiaohua Lu and Yuwei Chen. 2011. The effects of temperature and nutrients ratios on Microcystis blooms in Lake Taihu, China: an 11-year investigation. Harmful Algae 10: 337-343.(通讯作者SCI, IF=4.28, SCI它引140次) 19、 陈宇炜,陈开宁,胡耀辉. 2006. 浮游植物叶绿素a测定的“热乙醇法”及其测定误差的探讨. 湖泊科学18(5):550-552.(CSCD) 20、 陈宇炜,李朋富,Martin Dokulil. 2003. 浮游藻类三个常见属(颤藻属、直链硅藻属和针杆藻属)学名变更的解释. 湖泊科学15(1):85-94(CSCD) 21、 陈宇炜,秦伯强,高锡云. 2001. 太湖梅梁湾藻类及相关环境因子逐步回归统计和蓝藻水华的初步预测. 湖泊科学13 (1):63-71(CSCD, 2019年被引次数132) 22、 陈宇炜,高锡云. 浮游植物叶绿素a含量测定方法的比较测定. 2000. 湖泊科学12 (2):185-188(CSCD, 2019年被引次数128) 23、 陈宇炜,高锡芸,陈伟民,秦伯强. 1999. 太湖微囊藻的生长特征及其分离纯培养的初步研究. 湖泊科学 11(4):351-355(CSCD, 2019年被引次数135) 24、 Chen Yuwei & Martin Dokulil. 1999. Measurement of photosynthetic rate of a cultured benthic blue-green alga: Tolypothrix sp. Journal of Lake Sciences 11(2):165-171(CSCD) 25、 陈宇炜,高锡云,秦伯强. 1998. 西太湖北部夏季藻类种间关系的初步研究. 湖泊科学10(4):35-41. (CSCD, 2019年被引次数120) |